Significant Six-Figure SettlementFailed to Order Proper Care & TreatmentWe obtained a significant six-figure settlement on behalf of the estate of an elderly woman in a medical malpractice and neglect suit she filed against a doctor, hospital, and nursing home. The woman, a nursing home resident in her early 90s, was being treated by a doctor who worked not only at the nursing home but at the local hospital, the patient was sent to for treatment. In addition to the inadequate care the woman received at the nursing home and hospital, the doctor, who worked at numerous facilities, failed to order proper care and treatment and to appropriately supervise staff at the hospital. The patient’s festering bedsores got so infected that the woman’s leg had to be amputated.
The case against the doctor and the nursing home was settled and the case against the hospital is still pending.
Significant Six-Figure SettlementFailure to Prevent Falls & Bed SoresWe obtained a significant six-figure settlement on behalf of the estate of an elderly woman with Alzheimer’s disease against a Long Island nursing home whose negligence resulted in her suffering numerous serious falls, painful fractures, and bedsores (pressure ulcers). The facility failed to properly assess her needs and provide interventional measures, even though the resident was at high risk for falls.
Significant SettlementIn-Home Neglect
We obtained a significant settlement for the family of a deceased elderly woman against a home care agency. The woman was in her late 80s, with both dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and required 24-hour in-home care. While receiving this care, she became dehydrated, malnourished with sepsis due to aspiration pneumonia, and developed a pressure ulcer (bed sore) that became infected.
Due to poor supervision and care planning by the supervisory staff of the agency, she did not receive the appropriate services to prevent her deterioration and eventual death.
This case settled before trial and the money was awarded to the woman’s estate.
Significant Six-Figure SettlementSevere Bed Sores Contribute to Patient’s Rapid DemiseWe obtained a significant six-figure settlement from a Bronx nursing home for the family of a deceased elderly patient. The gentleman developed and suffered from a Stage 4 pressure ulcer (bed sore) for the last five weeks of his life that became severely infected and contributed to his death. This case was settled within just two months of the lawsuit being filed.